Sunday, March 24, 2019

Corporations are NOT People

Corporations are Not People.  They are made up of people, but they do not operate like people do.  Relating this idea to Environmentalism, we should NOT expect companies to only produce things that don’t damage the world.  They don’t have ethics, and they don’t care about the future of the earth.  We shouldn’t expect them to.  They deal only in percentages and profits.  Positives and negatives for companies are not good and bad, only more or less…

Marketing does amazing things for companies, and big business marketing actually creates and maintains a good portion of our culture.  Close your eyes and imagine getting your family some chickens to raise for eggs.  What springs to mind?  Dirty, noisy and smelly might be part of your thought process, as might be a lot of backbreaking effort.  You have no direct experience with raising chickens, where did these thoughts come from?

Because companies are not people, we shouldn't have any inherent trust of them.  We shouldn't buy things just because they're on the shelves and we should always rethink why our culture is telling us that gardening or fixing the things we have is too hard, or that raising chickens or shopping in thrift stores is dirty or not worth it.  

Consumers' willful ignorance is the thing that corporations rely on.  

When you live in a world where Corporations don’t have ethics yet hold the power to change our whole culture and thought processes with their marketing campaigns, while consumers aren’t thinking beyond their own convenience, is there any way to control the environmental drain on the planet?

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