Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to not be jerks about it...

People are complicated.
Your Point of View:  You’ve come to a realization.  You’ve made an eco-friendly switch in your home and you love your new product and wish everyone could try it!  You’ve given up eating meat and you feel great and you wish that everyone would join you in your love of the environment and animals.  You found an amazing item at the thrift store and you feel proud that you’re helping the earth and saving money, you wonder why anyone shops new anymore when there is already so much stuff in the world.  You’ve planted a giant garden this year and you got twelve huge butternut squash with little to no effort.  You’ve gotten yourself an electric car and you love the drive and wish everyone were driving them.

Everyone else:  Well, I recycle…. What a jerk.

How do we get along with such differing viewpoints?  I can tell you that I’ve felt like an outsider in most conversations my whole adult life.  There are not many decisions that I make in life without taking the environment into consideration, I am just that person.  I don’t mind being different, but it’s hard to feel like somewhere along the way you woke up and look around to realize that everyone else is still sleeping.  You used to be sleeping too.  The other thing is that you get super excited as an environmentalist when you find something that helps you sleep at night – As in, something that aligns with your goals of minimizing human’s harm to the planet.  Cloth diapers are SO adorable.   Electric vehicles are amazing to drive.  Cloth pads are simple, comfortable and work well.  Tapping your maple trees to make your own syrup is a fun family activity.  Etc. etc. etc.  We do get excited, but how do we talk about going above and beyond the norm while not making others feel bad about their own efforts?

Even more than this though. Environmentalists have become some of the most jerky people on the internet, and it’s not helping anything and it’s giving us a bad name.  Have you heard the joke:  How can you tell there’s a vegan at your party?  Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!

A fast food company wants to advertise that they’ve made the switch over to beef without the use of hormones and are reducing the waste they produce.  Companies are NOT people, but they have made these decisions because it’s a way they can differentiate themselves from their competitors and they believe there is a market of people that are irked when they get a plastic straw in their drink that they didn’t ask for.  All too often though people break out their soapbox and chastise these attempts as not enough…They shouldn’t sell beef at all, they’re still cutting down trees for their napkins…*Eye Roll*

It’s okay to get excited about your latest green item, but let’s try to not let hippie turn to jerk.  Baby steps are good steps, any company that is trying is better than the other 99%, banning straws won’t do much, and a beach cleanup won’t stay clean for long, electric car batteries do still take resources from the earth, and shipping glass over distances might take more fuel than plastic, but in this world if you take one step toward caring for the earth in any way that you can manage, you’re alright in my books.

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